24 hours of Happy!

get comfy


Happy Story vs. Sad Story: it’s up to you


Check out this new site from Unicef I found on the FWA. You can actually sync the site on your laptop with your mobile device to change the story from happy to sad depending on how you hold your phone. Sounds cool? Try it out!


Happy Story vs. Sad Story: it's up to you

When it comes to Doritos, do you have Will Power?

Created the idea, cast, filmed and edited all within a few weeks. Probably can’t tell though. Doritos Crash the Super Bowl campaign is a genius idea in which anyone is challenged to develop a :30 TV spot featuring their product in efforts to be selected as a finalist and aired on the actual Super Bowl. Finally gave it a shot and with the help of a talented team, we ended up with a hilarious spot! Feel free to check it out on Doritos.com for the next week or so and hopefully during the big game in February 2014!

That TV show needs a little Bob Dylan

Flip through the channels like a rolling stone!


An Website in the Woods? Rad!

Click. Browse. And even Tweet. Your bike is the cursor in this gnarly idea by RAV4 and DraftFCB. Wish I could take it for a test drive!

Would You Change Your Flight Plans Just Like That?

Really love this. Awesome idea!

Get BigGas savings and Ship Your Pants!

DraftFCB and K-mart did it again. Take that FCC! Tooo funny..

It’s a can. It’s a USB. It’s Gladiator!

Not sure if it’s available in the U.S. but what a lifesaving idea for around the office. Well according to this office setting. Honestly it seems like a catch though. When a product can serve more than it’s original purpose there’s something special about it. Although, maybe this means the energy drink side of the product is lacking? Then again what if you have so much energy from the drink you can’t resist crushing the can? Is the USB then lost?

So Guys Doing Parkour is the New Land Rover?

They do front flips off cliffs. Jump twists off rocks. And slide to and fro. Just like an SUV should right? Don’t see to many spots for vehicles without the vehicles which gives this spot an interesting edge….

Ever Play Find The Bottle?


Perrier’s new Secret Bottle campaign includes this very cool interactive site in which you navigate through an elaborate party including a hip band, dancing, bars with “outgoing” bartenders, high-stakes poker games and other shenanigans. The key is to switch to as many different point-of-views as possible in order to find the secret bottle of Perrier. No idea why it’s so secret, but this is a very interesting approach to developing some intrigue for a classy brand.